With the declining birthrate and aging population, there is a shortage of human resources in the long-term care industry, and the burden on the site is increasing.
Meanwhile, there is a move to introduce robots that specialize in nursing care work.

Aeolus robot

The “Aiolus Robot” developed by Aeolus Robotics Corporation is an autonomous human support robot equipped with an advanced AI sensor “AI Vision Sensor” that can recognize and learn the surrounding environment and has various functions.

You can use the arm to grab and lift various things.
You can run and carry while holding a basket or thing.

To support various operations.

On June 5, Orix Living Co., Ltd. announced that it had signed a consulting contract with Aeolus Robotics Corporation to conduct demonstration tests for the introduction of the AI-equipped service robot “Aioros Robot”.

Utilizing the experience of repeatedly checking basic operations such as detecting and moving objects and transporting goods at a facility operated by ORIX Living since November last year, labor saving by watching over, transporting, emergency response, etc. The idea is to aim for the practical application of robots that contribute to labor saving.
In this alliance, the functions of robots suitable for long-term care facilities will be improved, and after that, alternative tasks will be identified.

ORIX Living and Aeolus believe that “through the development and technical support of nursing care robots, we will promote the spread to nursing care sites and strive to improve the quality of life for the elderly.”

Future of long-term care

The nursing care site is a “tight” job that involves physical fatigue, and I hope that the introduction of AI-equipped robots will reduce the burden on the nursing care site as much as possible. I would like to continue to pay attention to the movement toward actual practical use.

Related Links

[Good Time Living Co., Ltd.]

URL: Https://Www.Gtl-daiwa.Co.Jp/guesthouse/?Gclid=Cj0KCQiAr8bwBRD4ARIsAHa4YyJWKL39EltW82SJAYSxserJYhnDZf55LGBH07f-VBLOZTQ6SjPnK5caAmnJEALw_wcB

[Aeolus Robotics Corporation (Aeolus Robotics)]

URL: Https: // Aeolusbot. com