“Tokyo Game Show 2019” being held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture. At the Capcom booth (Hall 7), the booth of “Monster Hunter World: Iceborn” is set up extensively. Above all, the power of the life-sized “Ice Dragon Ivercana” and “Gold Lion Rajan” is a masterpiece. In addition, a multiplayer test stand is installed at the Capcom booth.

You can challenge the hunting quest of “Gold Lion Rajan”

At the test stand installed at the Capcom booth, you can try out the hunting quest of “Gold Lion Rajan” in multiplayer. Rajan is a monster of the fang beast type that is characterized by high attack power and ferocity. When it becomes angry, it becomes golden and its attack power and ferocity increase further.

The delivery date of “Gold Lion Rajan” will be decided on October 10th (Thursday)!

The delivery date of such a vicious monster “Gold Lion Rajan” has been decided on October 10th (Thursday)! It was hunting in the arena on the playground, but when it is actually delivered, it can be hunted in the ordinary field. Let’s strengthen the equipment and wait until the delivery date.